Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County Surpasses Goal — Crackerjack Media | PR, Marketing & Events | Tampa Bay

Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County Surpasses Goals After a Month-Long Fundraising Effort

The onset of the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent reopening of area businesses led more than 700 childcare and VPK providers to experience supply chain shortages, limiting access to thermometers, personal protective equipment (PPE), and cleaning supplies. Recognizing the need to protect 30,000 of our community’s youngest citizens, the Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County (ELCHC) developed a month-long fundraiser to help purchase needed items and keep programs open and accessible to all.

In partnership with major donors, including TECO Energy and the Tampa Hillsborough Homeless Initiative, the ELCHC and its board surpassed its initial goals, raising more than $73,000 in in-kind and monetary donations. The board hosed three supply distribution events, where they welcomed these small business owners to a celebratory drive-thru. Each received an infrared medical grade thermometer, masks, hand sanitizers, educational materials and more.  

Additionally, the first event hosted at St. John Divine Episcopal Church featured a $10,000 donation given by the church. The generous contribution will support summer camp access for children of residents who may be experiencing financial hardship as a result of the crisis. 

Supporting young children and childcare providers is a year-round effort. For more information about the tremendous impact being made by the Early Learning Coalition of Hillsborough County, please visit elchc.org.
